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오늘은 칵테일에 들어가는 재료중 진저비어를 리뷰해 보려 해요

얼핏 보면 진저에일과 비슷해 보이지만 약간 맛이 달라요.

알콜은 없지만 생각맛이 좀더 많이나고, 더 매워요. 색은 탁한 노란빛이나고 향은 생강을 못먹는사람도 먹지 못할만큼 심하진 않아요(개인적인 생각이에요)

처음에는 거부감이 들지도 모르지만 익숙해지면 탄산수처럼 자주 즐기게 될 음료 같아요

Hello, Jun here

Today i will review Ginger beer which is one of material of cocktail.

It seems similar with Ginger ale but little different.

It dose not have any alcohol but more ginger taste, little spicy. Color with dirty yellow. It has ginger smell but not as strong. My personal think, who cannot eat ginger could drink this tho.

Maybe feel strange when try first time, but as like soda water, you could enjoy if drink many times.

진저에일에 비해 생각으로 보이는 무언가가 작게 보여요

Can see very small things seems like ginger. It is difference from Ginger ale

진저비어는 호주산이 많이 보이더라구요

I can see many Ginger beer from Australia

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